Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Finally- A Guaranteed Organic Twitter For Business Campaign That Works!
SNSD Twitter For Business Campaign Has The Following:
• For $250 you get 100 clicks to your targeted URL GUARANTEED with targeted geographical audience
• It's up to you how much you spend. (example: 1,000 clicks = $2,500)
• If you already have a Twitter account then ALL we need is your username and password to accomplish the above and 300 plus followers of targeted audience
• If you don't have a Twitter account we charge $250 for set-up.
This is in a one month period and tracking reports will be given on what part of the world these people are clicking and total click with peak times. CALL Keith @760-500-6043
for more details on our firm
Don't believe us: Here are some testimonials:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
20 Ways To Tweet: For Companies, Corporations & Small Businesses
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
twitter 101 for business- the original

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share with you an email I just sent to twitter (Evan Williams & Biz Stone) on the recent launch of Twitter 101 for business guide (I think its worth reading just for principle)
Dear @Biz & @Ev,
Congrats on the recent launch of the Twitter 101 for business guide! I am in FULL support of Twitter and everything you guys do, BUT I feel that maybe (if possible) you should of mentioned a few other people who have been promoting twitter for business for longer than I can remember (And I feel its only fair to those) who deserve at least some type of mention so I wanted to let you know who some of those were:
#1 pistachio consulting
#2 @Unmarketing
#3 @leplan
#4 @justinparks
#5 @hubspot
#6 @garyvee
#7 @mrken777
Lastly #8 myself- @JustinRFrench
I hope you don't mind me mentioning this, BUT I know you are all about the community.
I have been writing a Twitter 101 for business blog since February (and conducting weekly training on twitter 101 for business for clients and HELPING the business community learn these powerful tools for relationship selling via Webinars & workshops)
You can see here: (scroll down to bottom and verify date and i know there are more people who deserve credit (who i am forgetting to mention, but i know there are plenty more) Also, kudos for mentioning Chris Brogan (he definitely deserves a lot of the credit for twitter for business- definitely someone I look up to as a mentor) Thanks guys, keep up the great work!
Justin CEO Social Networking San Diego
760-576-GOLF (4653)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
6 Amazing Things Twitter Has Done For Me Personally And Professionally

Twitter has changed my personal & business life In the most AMAZING of ways. For starters, It gave me the "ah ha" moment I needed in December 2008 to form a new start-up Social Networking San Diego
Here are a few things twitter has done for me:
1. I found out about the plane crash in the Hudson on twitter (before any news media)
2. It took 3 years of internet research and put it into 2 months (thanks to my hundreds of "friends" on twitter helping me form my company
3. I found out about a traffic accident on the 5 freeway BEFORE i drove into the mess thanks to twitter
4. Twitter has generated MANY leads/ prospects even sales of our social media consulting services
5. I found out about the Iran election movement occurring and unfortunately the sad news of all the celebrity deaths this past week (especially saddened about Michael Jackson, I grew up listening to all his stuff, especially my favorite thriller)
6. I really tend to stay off the TV now and just log onto twitter to build relationships, help others, and ultimately get the news i want to hear from other like minded professionals instead of twisted views. All my friends/clients/colleagues on twitter are just so amazing. Everyone has their own story to tell and you really get captivated at all the similarities you find in each other. It might sound odd to most media outlets (like Stephen Colbert) but for me it really is magical to say the least.
Here is a blog dedicated to twitter for business i have started:
My goal/mission/passion is to get every single business owner, professional, executive, and entrepreneur onto twitter and USE it! This will help save our economy I can feel it, the revolution is growing
Follow me here if you'd like:
I run about 5 twitter accounts and look forward to MANY more successful accounts/ business models around twitter.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A strategic approach to using twitter for business

Friday, May 22, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Five Ways to Use Twitter For Marketing

This was a GREAT "tweet" @mrken777 tweeted on twitter and I had to post on our Twitter 101 for business blog for our clinets to read. This has some GREAT tips on using twitter for marketing which is a growing trend especially for being a cost effective method for small business.
By Heidi Cohen, ClickZ, May 18, 2009
Do you tweet? If so, you're part of a fast growing trend. EMarketer estimates there were about 6 million U.S. adult Twitter users in 2008, 3.8 percent of U.S. adult Internet users. Twitter users in the U.S. are projected to grow to 18.1 million by 2010, representing 10.8 percent of U.S. adult Internet users. Surprisingly, Twitter users tend to be older than traditional Internet early adopters; 45 to 54 year olds, the highest-indexing age group, are 36 percent more likely than average to visit Twitter, according to comScore.
Read the full post here:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Carlsbad twitter 101 for business meet up group or tweet up great success
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Top 3 Examples of using Social Networking and Twitter for Business

1. Oprah just signed up on Twitter last month. If you don’t think Oprah is business then you don’t know Oprah. She is a very well accomplished professional woman who has done so much for others. For little known people who come onto her show they become stars. Maybe even some Book deals, increased sales of products, website traffic, etc. Why you ask? Because Oprah is bringing that person into HER network. And you know if Oprah and other celebrities (who deep down are business people to like you and I) are signing up on twitter, then twitter must have some business value behind it. Right? Its all about how you use this tool so get educated or request from us to schedule an interactive Webinar on twitter training.
2. We have 1 actual client (I will not mention their name) that has seen an increase in their website grade from 46/100 to 75/100 in 2 months AND now ranks 2 million on Alexa when they ranked 7 million just 2 months ago! If you are a business person and these powerful stats don’t make sense to you, just know simply we generate targeted traffic to your website with our system and help your website rank higher on Google. Don’t believe me? Click on an actual customer testimonial to the right. How does this help me make money you ask? Just ask the CEO of Zappos or the CEO of Netflix or Amazon and Im sure they can explain the importance of these statistics.
3. Linked-In and Twitter are VERY powerful tools. (We will have webiars out next week on how to leverage Linked-In and Twitter for Business purposes so keep an eye out). I will give you a tip- it starts with changing your mindset and your outlook on social media and social networking. You don’t use these social networking and social media sites to make money. You use these to build relationships with partners, alliances, customers, vendors, etc. If you are using these sites asking “How do I monetize my network” you might as well choose a different strategy because you are trying to push rocks up a steep hill. The only way you will make money with social networking is by getting a personal referral on-line or off-line. We are receiving referrals to help companies with social networking and social media for business strategies globally due to the power of social networking and the World Wide Web.
CEO Social Networking San Diego
Let’s Connect!
Business Blog:
Personal Blog:
Friday, May 1, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Twitter 101 for Business
Friday, March 27, 2009
twitter 101 tips and tricks for business

twitter 101 tips and tricks (click on link above)
this is a GREAT find! social networking for business is still in its infancy stage and twitter is the key :)
twitterholic justinrfrench
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What can twitter do for your business?

How long have i been using twitter for business? 3 months now and it is the best thing for businesses ive seen in the last 10 years! I have been in technology, IT, and business for 10 years now and no other social networking tool is this powerful (but it takes a lot of time/ education) to learn how to use it properly depending on your strategy.
I use twitter for business (as an digital entrepreneur) and here is what it has done for my business:
strategic alliances, brainstorming sessions, lead generation, competitive intelligence, online branding, personal branding, building relationships, marketing, industry news, cutting edge news breaks, etc.
need more?
there you have it- short, sweet, and to the point just how we like our blogs-
twitterholic justinrfrench
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Social Networking, Twitter, and Eric Schmidt of Goolge on charlie Rose show
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Evan Williams tweets with Charlie Rose About the Power of Twitter
Check out Social Media Questions for Businesses to Consider
Everyone should check out this great post on social media/ social networking for business, and twitter
I want you to take a look at: Social Media Questions for Businesses to Consider
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Twitter for Marketing and PR
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Top 5 Reasons- Why Business Professionals MUST Use Twitter For Business BONUS
Another fellow twitterholic I met on twitter (another joint venture/ strategic alliance which if you understand business you understand relationship building of course) I have been able to form with @anthonlyblando. He was generously able to help spread the word about a NATIONAL Blackberry AT&T Small Business owner’s contest Please vote for me here if you haven’t already thanks I was nominated for to help get me votes. Because of his generosity and “pay it forward” approach on twitter, he was able to RT (re-tweet) this request to his network of followers which in turn amplifies the reach across the web quickly and efficiently. It even got Re-Tweeted by @MrSocial himself (Thanks again for paying it forward) (see pic for proof) No other social network but twitter could news and reciprocity been achieved like this on such a massive scale. This is viral marketing at its finest. It is amazing at how quick current news, trends, ideas, popular websites, and answers to everyday business challenges can be answered in an instant. Even a text message! This is invaluable! It’s like having hundreds of co-workers collaborating and providing research in real time! Twitter will change the world for the better and I feel it happening everyday.
-fellow twitterholic @justinrfrench
chief internet marketing strategist for business - social networking san diego
P.S.- Affiliate Programs coming soon!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Top 5 Reasons Continued- Why Business Professionals MUST Use Twitter Like Barack Obama Did

Reason #5
So im sure everyone watched the speech tonight. I have the answer for small businesses right here. All i need from Obama is for him to help get my message out of explaining how he got elected. Barrack Obama won the presidency using social media, social networking twitter and also creating buzz around the world on blogs and news sites.
So i ask you, as professional business people, don’t you think its something you should look into for YOUR business? If you’re expecting to just pay someone to do social media and social networking for your company you have the wrong mentality. This is something that will take time, persistence, education, consulting, training, testing, refining, measuring, reporting, etc. It’s a constant re-shaping of an internet marketing strategy that scales with your business. Consider your current marketing approach- if it DOES NOT include twitter then your business is already behind and losing market share to competitors. I then ask how much per day is NOT designing an internet marketing strategy costing your business?
If you know any businesses or corporations who need an internet marketing strategist you may want to refer them to me before they get too far behind (I pay good commissions for qualified referrals)
Just straight to the point tonight i don't mean to sound rude, i just am tired of businesses just not getting it. It will require a lot of education of the small business community that i am ready to take on with my team. My fellow twitterholics will need to help out to- we cant do it alone. Maybe Obama needs to come meet with me and help spread my message which i am very passionate about which is helping bridge the gap between generations.
p.s. we are hiring weekly though :)
Cheers- justinrfrench
Twitter follow me:
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Top 5 Reasons Business Professionals MUST Use Twitter Cont.

Reason #4
My reason # 4 of why "I LOVE TWITTER" for business comes from @Leplan a fellow twitterholic whom Ive developed a relationship with who also recognizes the benefit of Twitter as he mentions in his blog posting about following and un-following those who don't follow you.
see below:
Re-Post of @Leplan:
"Stars in real Life do not need to be followed in Twitter.
Well, I guess this is a personal choice. I have no complaint if you follow @barackobama or @britneyspears; but I will certainly not. They are good at their place and I am not interested to know when they have lunch and when they have a shower. If anything important comes, I will get the news from my Twitter friends. I don't want to make all the real life stars look big in Social Media too; I would love to see new people becoming stars like @guykawasaki @unmarketing @justinrfrench @mayhemstudios etc. (and prob you and me :D)"
You may rethink if you want to keep following your favorite artists- @Leplan
For more on his blog- check here: @Leplan's Blog
See, this posting done by @Leplan shows why we need to stop caring about celebrities and what they had for dinner. This is not important and entertainment has become more valuable then education. We need to flip this concept around and make education more valuable than entertainment again and get our country back on track. Im honored and humbled to have been even mentioned in the same posting as @guykawasaki & @unmarketing although they have never even replied to any of my tweets.
Social Networking San Diego has taken a lead in supporting the education of small businesses on the importance of technology and forming Internet marketing strategies to help generate qualified traffic using methods such as Social Networking , Social Media and most importantly Twitter
Help support the Twitter pay it forward revolution and spread the word on the BUSINESS and PERSONAL growth that comes over time from the power of your twitter network.
-twitterholic @justinrfrench
Top 5 Reasons Business Professionals MUST Use Twitter Cont.
Tech Basics For Business People On Twitter:
Twitter is a constant streaming RSS feed or "micro blog". What you as a business strategist and professional need to know is that these simple to update micro postings (your content from your updates) interface nicely with Google. You as a trend spotter business professional must also know anything dealing with Goggle should be looked upon as powerful, industry leading, cutting, edge, and as a trend setter. Just believe me when I say twitter is like Google on steroids- though on a micro scale. Twitter is more tailored around “you as the individual and your personal and professional interests” instead of functioning on a broader scale like Google does.
Twitter even takes this a step further by connecting you with lets say a business professional in another country who is as passionate about something as you are. (which is what has happen to me- except i have 5 other people out of this country pretty much strategic alliances I have created)
I see twitter as the best business tool of the 21st century and am so passionate about twitter that I could talk about it for hours and not lose interest. I’m even writing an E-Book on twitter to give away for FREE of course- so check social networking san diego for your FREE twitter 101 for business E-Book coming out soon! :)
Here's a parody video on why inbound marketing and twitter will save small business- enjoy
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Top 5 Reasons Business Professionals MUST Use Twitter Cont.
Now i haven't had a whole lot of time to do blog postings/ you tube videos, etc. but I HAVE wanted to I promise. Fortunately its for good reasons though. The current growth of Perfect Integration, Inc. from out Internet Marketing Division called social networking san diego. here's the post for today:
Reason #2
Now I am not a programmer nor do like sitting behind a desk programming 12 hours a day but I DO LIKE business and technical writing. I was always a good business writer in school. I was never one for blogging before because it seemed like such a chore to do postings until I got active and contributed my ideas, insight, and business advice on twitter. I realized and understood how twitter really worked (the technical side of it and the hidden business value early on) and gave it a shot. It was quick, easy, to the point, and because I have a clever way with words (hint content friendly)
I picked it up right away. The more you contribute on twitter, the more you get out of it and valuable it becomes. You must always pay if forward though otherwise don’t use twitter for business. Simply, twitter starts to evolve around you, learn, and get better over time the more you use it. It forms a global virtual networking world at your fingertips of like minded passionate people and over time your network becomes an information hub of resourcefulness. If you just put 1 or 2 status updates per day that you had coffee or dropped the kid off your missing the point. I would then refer you to this posting to quickly get up to speed: social networking for business strategy
Good luck everyone and check in with social networking san diego and help spread the word to other local businesses that need help! this is the life raft that will start turning their company around and exactly what Obama needs to bailout the small businesses- twitter is the key!!
P.S.- A special shout out to my fellow twitterholics and followers/ friends- i could not have done any of this with out you. (here's a special photo from me to you :)
twitterholic- justinrfrench

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Twitter For Business- The Motivational Factor
If you want the same motivational talk that got me inspired to start social networking san diego then watch Gary speak. I promise its worth every minute (maybe a few vulgar words) but STILL AWESOME! If you are ready to start using social media and social networking for your small business then subscribe to my social networking san diego business blog for weekly tips and tricks on twitter for BUSINESS.
Tweet you later-
Twitter Enthusiast & Twitterholic – justinrfrench
follow Justin on twitter
CEO Perfect Integration, Inc. or better known for social networking san diego
Monday, February 16, 2009
Using Twitter for Business
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Top 5 Reasons Business Professionals MUST Use Twitter
Twitter defined in 1 "tweet"- "on demand/ real time virtual networking group where you share info./ & strategies w/ other like-minded professionals"-@justinrfrench
Reason #1
You can see from my graphic I wasn't using twitter much in the beginning then all of a sudden- HUGE spike! Now your typical Business Professional would say Justin "who cares if you have a 99/100 twitter grade or went from 8 followers to 571 followers in 1 month! How is that helping you get business?"
Now first, if you are an "old school baby boomer business professional" you may not understand this powerful Internet paradigm shift and the importance of conducting business online that is occurring right below your nose, but if you have stumbled upon this blog rest assured you’re on the right track. If you want to make an appointment with me via phone, skype, in person meeting, etc. I will gladly explain to you and your employees (complimentary) in 30 minutes or less or ill give you 100$ (for talking over my allotted time) what I have been onto and educating about for the last month. Now I will continue to the remaining reasons for other readers on how twitter changed not only my life, but my professional career, and formed a new Internet Marketing division of my company perfect integration.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The TRUE Power Of Your Social Network
I received an unexpected call last week. To my Amazement, I was selected as a Top 10 finalist for the Blackberry & AT&T's small business owners contest! WOW! As many of you know, not only am I on a mission to re-define the business world by using social media/ social networking, but I actually want to win the contest!
Vote For Me HERE
I know you all are very busy, but I wouldn't ask you to do anything unless you got something out of it of course, so here is an incentive to all of you in my network:
- You all know how how hard I've been working at building my business & network up over the last 7 years, so if you vote for me and I win, I will raffle off and give away FREE 1 of the blackberry's to a lucky person who is in my network!
I want to make a statement to the World- that social networking, building relationships, always having passion for what you do, and being transparent is the new way to conduct business.
So please help he win this contest and demonstrate the power of my network- built around you of course!
Thanks Everyone- cross your "twittering" fingers We win!
twitterholic justinrfrench
Vote For Me HERE
Vote For Me HERE
Monday, February 9, 2009
Twitter 101 For Business Coming Soon!

check back for more details on twitter for business!
Does your business need a new Internet marketing strategy? Check out Social Networking San Diego Today!