Reason #4
My reason # 4 of why "I LOVE TWITTER" for business comes from @Leplan a fellow twitterholic whom Ive developed a relationship with who also recognizes the benefit of Twitter as he mentions in his blog posting about following and un-following those who don't follow you.
see below:
Re-Post of @Leplan:
"Stars in real Life do not need to be followed in Twitter.
Well, I guess this is a personal choice. I have no complaint if you follow @barackobama or @britneyspears; but I will certainly not. They are good at their place and I am not interested to know when they have lunch and when they have a shower. If anything important comes, I will get the news from my Twitter friends. I don't want to make all the real life stars look big in Social Media too; I would love to see new people becoming stars like @guykawasaki @unmarketing @justinrfrench @mayhemstudios etc. (and prob you and me :D)"
You may rethink if you want to keep following your favorite artists- @Leplan
For more on his blog- check here: @Leplan's Blog
See, this posting done by @Leplan shows why we need to stop caring about celebrities and what they had for dinner. This is not important and entertainment has become more valuable then education. We need to flip this concept around and make education more valuable than entertainment again and get our country back on track. Im honored and humbled to have been even mentioned in the same posting as @guykawasaki & @unmarketing although they have never even replied to any of my tweets.
Social Networking San Diego has taken a lead in supporting the education of small businesses on the importance of technology and forming Internet marketing strategies to help generate qualified traffic using methods such as Social Networking , Social Media and most importantly Twitter
Help support the Twitter pay it forward revolution and spread the word on the BUSINESS and PERSONAL growth that comes over time from the power of your twitter network.
-twitterholic @justinrfrench
Justin, You made my day. Thanks for the article.
your quite welcome- justinrfrench