Hello everyone,
I wanted to share with you an email I just sent to twitter (Evan Williams & Biz Stone) on the recent launch of Twitter 101 for business guide (I think its worth reading just for principle)
Dear @Biz & @Ev,
Congrats on the recent launch of the Twitter 101 for business guide! I am in FULL support of Twitter and everything you guys do, BUT I feel that maybe (if possible) you should of mentioned a few other people who have been promoting twitter for business for longer than I can remember (And I feel its only fair to those) who deserve at least some type of mention so I wanted to let you know who some of those were:
#1 pistachio consulting
#2 @Unmarketing
#3 @leplan
#4 @justinparks
#5 @hubspot
#6 @garyvee
#7 @mrken777
Lastly #8 myself- @JustinRFrench
I hope you don't mind me mentioning this, BUT I know you are all about the community.
I have been writing a Twitter 101 for business blog since February (and conducting weekly training on twitter 101 for business for clients and HELPING the business community learn these powerful tools for relationship selling via Webinars & workshops)
You can see here: (scroll down to bottom and verify date http://ow.ly/i3Ym and i know there are more people who deserve credit (who i am forgetting to mention, but i know there are plenty more) Also, kudos for mentioning Chris Brogan (he definitely deserves a lot of the credit for twitter for business- definitely someone I look up to as a mentor) Thanks guys, keep up the great work!
Justin CEO Social Networking San Diego
760-576-GOLF (4653)