Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Entrepreneurs Are Like The Long Shot At Del Mar


Entrepreneurs starting businesses in the current economic climate have a real challenge yet an opportunity at the same time.  It separates them from others who would never take risks, especially when times are very tough.  This sets them apart from the competition.  Entrepreneurs start a business usually for one main reason: They see a problem, they are passionate about solving that problem, and will do everything necessary to achieve their goal of finding a solution to that problem. 


My current start-up Social Networking San Diego  was founded in January 2009 on the premise that majority of small business websites don’t generate traffic. I estimate 80% of small business websites don’t generate traffic. So with my technical, business, and entrepreneurial spirit, I vowed to solve this problem because o am passionate about helping the small business community.  So far things are going great and we are helping many clients solve this challenge & all while increasing sales of their products & services and saving money.  Like Barack Obama says “Small business and Entrepreneurs will be the driving force of getting us out of this recession”, and I couldn’t agree more.   


As for how this analogy relates to horse racing, Well 90 to 95% of Entrepreneurs fail because lack of funding, lack of leadership/ management, lack of sales, or lack of proper marketing.  Usually at the horse races (another passion of mine- I live 20 minutes form Del Mar Racetrack) I tend to put money on the long shots once in a while if I like the kckey, study work out times, know who the trainer was, etc.  I do my homework first.  Just like in business, when starting anew business venture, do your homework, and if you have a little luck or know the right people, you may just have a big pay day ;)  


If you would like to see more about Social Networking San Diego solutions for Social Marketing for business, check out our solutions page here:


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