Twitter has changed my personal & business life In the most AMAZING of ways. For starters, It gave me the "ah ha" moment I needed in December 2008 to form a new start-up http://www.socialnetworkingsandiego.com/ Social Networking San Diego
Here are a few things twitter has done for me:
1. I found out about the plane crash in the Hudson on twitter (before any news media)
2. It took 3 years of internet research and put it into 2 months (thanks to my hundreds of "friends" on twitter helping me form my company
3. I found out about a traffic accident on the 5 freeway BEFORE i drove into the mess thanks to twitter
4. Twitter has generated MANY leads/ prospects even sales of our social media consulting services
5. I found out about the Iran election movement occurring and unfortunately the sad news of all the celebrity deaths this past week (especially saddened about Michael Jackson, I grew up listening to all his stuff, especially my favorite thriller)
6. I really tend to stay off the TV now and just log onto twitter to build relationships, help others, and ultimately get the news i want to hear from other like minded professionals instead of twisted views. All my friends/clients/colleagues on twitter are just so amazing. Everyone has their own story to tell and you really get captivated at all the similarities you find in each other. It might sound odd to most media outlets (like Stephen Colbert) but for me it really is magical to say the least.
Here is a blog dedicated to twitter for business i have started: http://twitter101.blogspot.com/
My goal/mission/passion is to get every single business owner, professional, executive, and entrepreneur onto twitter and USE it! This will help save our economy I can feel it, the revolution is growing
Follow me here if you'd like: http://www.twitter.com/justinrfrench
I run about 5 twitter accounts and look forward to MANY more successful accounts/ business models around twitter.